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BMP 2021-2022 Health and Safety Protocols

Writer's picture: BMP NewsBMP News

Updated: Dec 15, 2021

The health and well-being of our entire music community at Boston Music Project continues to remain top of mind as we continue into the fall. As we resume in-person programming in Fall 2021, we have established a set of official guidelines to ensure our students, staff, and families remain safe and healthy while taking part in BMP programming. Additionally, we will be following the latest news and recommendations from the CDC, State of Massachusetts, and City of Boston as the year progresses.

Before-school Arrival Procedures

Only Staff and Students permitted indoors: For all before and after school programs, only BMP approved staff and students will be permitted in any BMP teaching facilities.

  • Student Daily Attendance and Sign-In: All caregivers dropping off their children must check in with our BMP team members at your designated entrance: Drop Off Locations (Doors open at 7:45am and close by 8am. No late arrivals)

    • All NEW K1 and K2 Students

      • Backstage Door off Oak Street (next to entrance to faculty parking lot)

    • Returning K2 and All 1st through 5th Grade Students

      • Doors at corner of Shawmut & Marginal

Indoor Teaching Protocols

  • Worksite Hours: All BMP staff, faculty, and students are expected to adhere to the guidelines provided by BMP during their in-person work hours.

  • Mask Wearing is Required: Staff, faculty, and students are required to wear a well-fitting mask that fits close to the face and completely covers their nose and mouth at all times regardless of vaccination status. We serve many individuals in our community who are not eligible for the vaccine yet, therefore we will support the safest space possible for all our community members. See Covid-19 Mask guidelines here.

  • Only Staff and Students permitted indoors: For all before and after school programs, only BMP approved staff and students will be permitted in any BMP teaching facilities.

  • Sign-In Required for all Staff: All staff must sign-in via the BPS partners sign-in & BMP sign-in sheet each day. The sign-in will be located in the Main Office of the building.

  • Assigned Seating Areas for Students: All students will be required to sit/stand in an assigned spot during program hours.

  • Air Ventilation: All teaching and event spaces will have air ventilation AND air purifiers with HEPA filters that have been recommended and approved by BPS and DESE.

  • Eating, Drinking, and Unmasking: No eating or drinking beverages will be permitted in public areas and teaching spaces in our facilities unless given special permission by BMP administration.

  • Sanitizer and Personal Protective Equipment: Face masks and sanitizers will be available to all BMP staff. Additional PPE will be made available by BMP staff (e.g. sanitizer & disinfecting wipes) during in-person activities.

  • Instrument Safety: All students will be provided with their own instrument with a proper case. String, brass, or woodwind instruments will not be shared. Pianos, percussion and any handheld instruments must be sanitized between uses.

  • Brass, woodwinds, and singing are permitted. Brass instruments must use provided bell-covers for all in-person programming.

  • Teaching Outdoors: Outdoor classes and lessons may occur with advanced planning of 24-hours or more. In the event that an outdoor rehearsal is permissible, parents will be notified with more than 24-hours notice. Physical distancing and mask protocols must be followed.

  • Staying Home: If staff are feeling unwell they are asked to stay home and notify BMP staff of their absence by calling or texting 617.286.6739 or emailing If staff are experiencing symptoms (fever, headache, cough, body aches, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea, difficulty breathing or any other symptom), they should stay home and contact their healthcare provider. The CDC guidelines of Covid-19 symptoms can be found here.

  • Symptoms During Instruction: If BMP staff notice any symptoms during in-person hours, BMP staff or faculty have the right to send a student home and withhold instruction. If staff or interns start to have flu-like symptoms during in-person activities, they must inform an Administrative Team staff member on site, and will be dismissed from the program immediately.

  • If Sickness Occurs In-Person: If a member of our BMP community test positive for COVID-19, all parties in the classroom during the time of exposure to this person will be notified. Contact tracing and notification will occur in partnership with the Boston Public Schools. Programming will be rescheduled to allow for deep-cleaning as per CDC guidance. See our specific sickness protocol below.

  • Travel: If BMP staff travel using public transportation, we ask that they practice physical distancing and adhere to the health & safety guidelines on the MBTA Ride Safer web page.

  • Test and Stay Protocols for Josiah Quincy Elementary School: JQES administration has instructed that any child in the “Test and Stay” pools should arrive to JQES at 9:15 AM, no earlier. The JQES administration wants to ensure that all "Test and Stay" students are tested before they join any larger groups and partner programs that take place in the JQES building. This means that these students should not attend BMP's morning music program for the 5 days while students are in their "Test and Stay" pool.

Concert and Event Protocols

  • Indoor and Outdoor events permissible: For special events, our protocols and guidelines may change or be updated depending on venue, program, and audience. These will be communicated in advance.

  • Proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test: For any indoor events/concerts, a ticket holder must show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test within the last 24 hours. Depending on the event, a recording or livestream link will be made available.

  • For Staff and Audience Outdoors: Face-masks are NOT required for outdoor events, however we do encourage physical distancing of at least 3 feet.

  • Physical Distancing for All (Indoors or Outside): Physical distancing minimums must be followed: String players, 2 feet. Singers and Brass/Wind players, 6 feet. A distance of 15 feet is required between performers and audience.

  • Travel: If BMP staff travel using public transportation, we ask that they practice physical distancing and adhere to the health & safety guidelines on the MBTA Ride Safer web page.

Vaccination Policy

  • In-person Instruction: All BMP staff and students who are eligible for vaccination must be fully vaccinated prior to working with BMP students and colleagues for any in-person activities or agree to weekly testing every seven days, following BPS protocols. Additional resources on the Covid-19 vaccine and how to schedule a vaccination appointment are available here. *This information may change in the coming weeks as we follow CDC, BPS, and DESE guidelines.

  • Indoor Events: For any indoor events/concerts, a ticket holder must show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test within the last 24 hours. Depending on the event, a recording or livestream link will be made available.

Sickness Policy

  • Staying Home: If staff are feeling unwell they are asked to stay home and notify BMP staff of their absence by calling or texting 617.286.6739 or emailing If staff are experiencing symptoms (fever, headache, cough, body aches, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, nausea, diarrhea, difficulty breathing or any other symptom), they should stay home and contact their healthcare provider. If during in-person activities, staff or interns start to have flu-like symptoms, they must inform an Administrative team member, and will be dismissed from the program immediately. The CDC guidelines of Covid-19 symptoms can be found here.

  • Noticing symptoms during instruction: If BMP staff notice any symptoms during in-person hours, BMP staff or faculty have the right to send a student home and withhold instruction.

  • If you OR a member of your household test positive for Covid-19: For all students, staff, faculty, or concert attendees who were recently in a BMP class/event that test positive for Covid-19, you must notify the BMP administration of this right away by calling or texting 617.286.6739 or emailing In case of an emergency, please call Executive Director, Christopher Schroeder at 407.718.1147

  • Quarantine for 10 days: Students and BMP staff who are confirmed positive for Covid-19 will quarantine for 10 days and return after they are no longer experiencing symptoms or with a negative test. This means students can return on Day 11 if they have no symptoms.

  • Make-up lessons for Private Lesson Program: In the event a BMP faculty member is symptomatic or COVID-19 positive, the lesson will be rescheduled for a later date.

Contact Tracing and Response

If a sickness occurs and an intern or staff member tests positive for Covid-19, all parties in the group during the time of exposure to this person will be notified via phone and e-mail. Contact tracing and guidance will occur in collaboration with the Department of Public Health. The identity of the participant or staff member will remain anonymous.

If any staff member tests positive for Covid-19, all in-person programming for those exposed will immediately move to an online platform. BMP staff will review the specifics of the case and, under guidance of the Department of Public Health, determine when in-person activities can resume. Please note that a negative Covid-19 test or proof of vaccination may be required to resume in-person activities.

Internal Protocols if Sickness Occurs

Following CDC Guidelines:

  • Close off area: All spaces used by the person who is sick must remain closed for a minimum of 24 hours.

  • Inform Students, Families, and Staff: All persons who were in the building in the last 48 hours that a positive Covid-19 case was discovered in the building.

  • Open outside doors and windows: Increase air circulation in the affected area.

  • Wait 24 hours before you clean or disinfect: If 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as possible.

  • Approval to reopen: Once an area has been appropriately disinfected, it can be opened for use.

Returning to work: Workers without close contact with the person who is sick can return to work immediately after disinfection. If more than 7 days have passed since a person considered sick visited or used the facility, additional cleaning and disinfection is not necessary.

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